Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Spring Fever

Friday we had our special visitors from California come see us! Mandy and her kids stopped in for a night and it was such a treat. The boys played nerf wars nonstop and the kids watched a bit of Cinderella Friday night too and ate pizza together. Mandy and I stayed up late talking (of course) and we had pancakes and eggs Saturday morning. The kids do so well together! Drake had a play date Saturday morning and when he came back, he asked if "his cousins" were still at our house. He was pretty disappointed that they had left but even more that they weren't his actual cousins!! 
As Drew and I mulched last that afternoon, Drew was feeling worse and worse. He had started to feel bad Thursday night but felt better Friday. I could tell he had a fever. After our last scheduled house and Drew felt bad he couldn't get out of the car to help, I took him over to the urgent care and found out he had strep with a 102.3 fever! He received a steroid treatment, a cough suppressant and an antibiotic. Later he told me the breathing treatment scared him because the nurse told him that it would make him jittery. 
While we were at the urgent care and mulching, David and the rest of the kids went to Academy and bought a basketball hoop. We spent a few hours putting it together and the kids are loving it! While we worked, the younger kids made a fun house out of the box the hoop came in. They rode bikes and enjoyed being outside while we worked on it. We broke in our first games of HORSE already!!