Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Soccer 2012

David coached Drew's soccer team once again this year, and Drew's team was called the Rockets. They started off a little rocky but really improved through the season winning most of their games. Drew chose to be #15 because it's the day of his birthday in June. He even scored his first goal ever on the second-to-last game of the season! Instead of posting pictures for each week's game, I just waited until the end of the season to share the best ones.
Drew cheering after his team scored a goal. The league technically does not keep score yet but the kids sure do!
Drew was more aggressive this year using his arms to bump a bit
our cute spectators

me and my oldest soccer player - I'm so proud of him
Dilan and her first flirting experience with another teammate's older brother on the sidelines. She was in awe of this kid as they threw the football back and forth.
Last huddle of the season
After trophies were dispersed, Drew took a picture with his Coach :) and of course, Dilan was an honorary team member


carrie said...

Cute pictures! That's fun for Drew to be coached by dad! He's getting so big! Love the picture of Dilan and Drake in the stroller, they look like they're having fun!

Phillips Family said...

So cool that Dave got to coach...even better was the flirting pictures of Dilan. She will be a heart breaker.