Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

For Halloween night, we went to a friend's house in our ward to trick or treat in their neighborhood with a few other families. David dressed up as a pirate (His group at SWA chose to dress as pirates this year), I dressed as a strawberry in for Strawberry Shortcake's (Dilan) strawberry patch, and of course, we had our big Thomas the train (Drew) and our little Thomas (Drake). The kids loved going trick or treating with their friends and Drew was so fast that Dilan chose to take her time, hang back with Dad, and hit each house methodically. It was a great Halloween, lots of candy, lots of fun, and staying up way too late. Still my favorite part of Halloween is hearing my sweet kids say "thank you" enthusiastically when they get candy from people. And I'm glad David and I chose to dress up this year - the kids really liked it.

My little Thomas the train (the hat didn't make the pictures)
My beautiful Strawberry Shortcake
Dilan loved the hat with this costume!
Strawberry and Little Thomas
Strawberry Shortcake, big Thomas and little Thomas
My big Thomas the train - he has worn this costume since he was 3
Little Thomas and Pirate Daddy
Drew and his 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Baker
Let the trick or treating begin!
"thank you..."
Dilan taking her time with Daddy and Drake
Drake just relaxed in the stroller
Drew excited about the candy
Waiting for the person to open the door
Entering a "haunted house" in someone's garage
Strawberry Shortcake and Strawberry
and finally, some creepy mask guy that Dilan didn't even freak out about. She just got her candy, said, "Thank you," and moved on.


Phillips Family said...

Adam says Dave looks like a gay pirate...great costumes all the way around. We were lame and only had Grady dress up. Too bad we don't live closer to you guys so we could have gone tricks or treating together.

Matt and Elise said...

Your family is so stinkin' cute Dave. How are you anyway! When/why did you guys end up in Dallas? I thought you went back east or midwest or something of the sort?? Well,hope you're liking it! I hear your mom is moving out to Utah? Take care!