Friday, June 18, 2010

Milwaukee Air and Water Show

Last weekend we decided to go to the Milwaukee Lake front and check out the air show. David loves planes so we were in, even though it was supposed to rain. Well, it never rained but the fog and clouds were so low that the planes actually never took off. But we were able to walk up and down the waterfront and get a hot dog and just be in the atmosphere of it all. There is something to be said about a city on the water - love it! We eventually reached Bradford Beach where some of our friends were and hung out a bit there, that is, until Dilan started eating the sand. :)

Eating snacks on the beach
Good form, Dilan!
Me and my kiddos
Precious little girl on a bike
Loving Daddy
Playing in the sand, then tasting it and then eating it
It's hard to get a natural smile from Drew these days so when he was cracking up at something David was doing, I got a good one! love this boy!!!


Rufener Family said...

So I am guessing that you guys were there on Saturday. We were so disappointed that they never took off. It was crazy how the fog just came in right at 3:30 when the Blue Angels were scheduled to take off!