Saturday, June 26, 2010

34th Birthday

This year my birthday was definitely going to be different. First, I wasn't moving during it which the last two years we've been on the road in a new state at this time so I would actually be here in WI for it. Second, it was a Wednesday which meant David was not going to be here and it meant that my sister and I were not going to be able to spend it together or me with any of my family for that matter.
But with all that being said, it was really such a great birthday this year! First, David took me to PF Changs with a few other couples on a date night the weekend before my birthday. We of course ordered the Great Wall of Chocolate and it was soooo good! We really enjoyed being able to get a babysitter and going for a grownup meal with great friends.Then, after many attempts to see if Keely and I could on the spare of the moment meet up the weekend after our birthday somewhere and realizing it wasn't going to work out, I received these beautiful flowers from her on our birthday. I don't like spending our birthday apart but this was a very thoughtful surprise. :)And some friends and I have been talking about taking an excursion this summer and we picked the Milwaukee Park Conservatory (a.k.a "the Domes") for this week. We went on my birthday which was even more fun! It was definitely worth going, just be prepared for the humidity and the amount of sweating you will do. There are three domes: one is a tropical dome and much like a rain forest, one is an arid dome much like a desert with tons of different cacti and the last one is the show dome which features a theme and lots of beautiful flowers. The theme right now was a celebration of Mark Twain called, Riverboat Tales. (more pics on the Domes to come).
Finally, one of my dearest friends here insisted she take me out to dinner for the night of my birthday. She offered her husband up to babysit all the kids and we could just have girl time. At first, I thought "no way will I let her do this" and then as I thought about it and my impending move and the fact that I won't be seeing anyone here for a long time and that I should just let someone do something nice for me and not feel guilty about it, I decided I was in! And it was so worth it - an hour and a half just to ourselves, talking about anything and everything, and delicious Italian food at a local place neither of us had tried before - it was really a wonderful evening and it meant so much!
As I picked up the kids, they were happy and they had done really well so I took them to Kopp's which is a custard place everyone here raves about. In fact, I discovered many people couldn't believe I hadn't tried it yet and we have lived here a year now. I ordered a pint of chocolate almond and a cone for Drew and we headed home to have our treat. What a fabulous birthday!!! :)


nicole said...

Wow, sounds like such a fun birthday! Glad you got a little girl time in... that's the best! We'll sure miss you and your family.

Kristine Pratt said...

what a great week of birthday celebrations! I'm glad you weren't on the road for your birthday, that would not have been much fun. I' m so impressed they made a cake for you.

Elieson Family said...

Happy Birthday!!! What fun!