Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My one year old

Now that Dilan's officially one, I took her to the dr. for her year checkup. She is doing so well - Stats include, 23 lbs 3 oz (81%tile), 30.75 inches long (92%tile) and 45.6 cm head circumference (64th%tile). She's growing and she's starting to eat more solid foods. The doctor did say she has a herniated belly button which means it is sticking out a bit but there is nothing to do. He said for most kids it will go back in on its own but if not, by age four she could have surgery to correct it.

Dilan still loves her milk and won't give up the bottle yet. I've tried several different sippy cups and all she does is chew on them. We did break her of her must-need habit of milk in bed at night (thank goodness!) and she still takes two very good naps a day.
She cracks us up because her favorite thing to do right now is carry around Drew's scooby doo lunch sack like it's her purse. David and I definitely know what the Easter bunny is on the hunt for this year - a cute pink purse of her own! We'll see if we can find one. Dilan always has to have something in her mouth especially when she's walking around and she likes to pull up her shirt for everyone to see her belly.
She is just so precious!!!


Karies place said...

Such a cutie!

Phillips Family said...

She is very cute. She must have gotten the showing her belly thing from her dad...don't ask how I know that.

MawMille said...

LOL! She is hilarious! Just adorable. Such a personality too.

Jenise said...

What a cutie. You know the funny thing is, I took Dax to his 9 mo appt and he is 24lbs 11oz. And I can't remember, but I don't believe he is as tall as Dilan. Needless to say, he is getting frustrated that he can't crawl and get around because he is just too dang FAT. I am to the point that I wish he could crawl.