Dilan is 8 years old! She didn't get a friend birthday party (the only year we don't do it is when they turn 8 because we focus on their baptism and we party all weekend with the entire extended family). But Dilan did get gifts! She got over $200 in cash for her baptism and she received many gifts as well. MawMille gave her an amazon dot and PawDee gave her a purple bunjo chair she wanted for her room. Damon and Amy gave her a shopkins gift and Nannie gave her an activity tracker from Justice. Mimi gaver her a framed scripture (Moroni 10:5) for her wall and the soccer ball scripture holder, Aunt Amy gave her a pink elephant beenie boo, the Curtis family gave her the "three white dresses" framed picture, Aunt Lisa and Mrs. Wolverton (her second grade teacher) gave her journals, Aunt Wendy gave her a photo album, and her friend Addison gave her a target gift card and Anika gave her a pink wooden picture frame for her wall. Dilan was grateful to receive all the love and support on her baptism day.
After Dilan's baptism, a lot of us went to support her at her indoor soccer game that night. She played really well even taking some time playing in goal. PawDee and Uncle Damon were both very impressed with the level of soccer she is playing at. After the game, we went to Rudy's BBQ where PawDee and MawMille treated all of us to dinner. It was a very kind gesture and we ate so well! A definitely memorable day for Dilan.
5 years ago
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