Sunday, July 4, 2010

Brusha brusha brusha...

I bought Drew this Thomas toothbrush some months ago to help with him learning how to better brush his own teeth. He's been to the dentist last year and this year and gotten rave reviews with no cavities. The hygienist told me last year that you should really help your kids brush their teeth until age 5 and up so I have. But since a new baby is coming and Drew is starting kindergarten, we've been working on becoming more independent. He does great with this toothbrush! So much so that Dilan took an interest and really likes to brush her teeth this way too. So, we headed off to the store to buy one for her. The only one they had was one that you could design yourself with stickers and such. It turned out so cute! And we had enough stickers to put Drew's name on his toothbrush as well (mind you the colors are pink and purple but oh well!).


Kristine Pratt said...

Cute tooth brushes and great that Drew as such great teeth. I try to remember to brush Hayden's when I brush my own, but it's just one more thing to do :)

Phillips Family said...

Pink and purple!!?? What are you trying to do...turn poor Drew into a sissy like his dad? Just kidding. A little birdie told me you might be making your way out west soon.