Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Pistorius - 9 weeks

Baby Pistorius #3 is officially due October 22. I had an ultrasound today at 9 weeks to make sure everything is going okay due to my history of miscarriage. We saw his/her heart beating which is always neat to see. We saw its "arm and leg buds" as the technician labeled them, the spinal cord, and brain matter. The baby seems to be doing fine and that is great news to us. I meet with the dr. next week for the first time. I hope I like her - I've been known to switch doctors before (in GA) so we'll see. Still nothing compares to having a baby in Utah - we were so spoiled there!

David and Dilan were able to attend the ultrasound with me. David did bet me right before we went in that it was twins but we did only see ONE baby in there. I showed Drew the picture of his brother/sister when he got out of school and he had all kinds of interesting questions. He wanted to know how the baby got into mommy's belly and how it was going to come out. I gave the vague (when mommy's and daddy's love each other, they can make a baby together) speech on the first but actually told him the real answer on the second, followed up by the "we don't talk about private parts anywhere but home speech." So, this should be interesting - who would know these questions come as early as 4 years old???

We are excited and as always, seeing the baby made it become more real. I have been very tired lately but the nausea seems to have receded. The only time I get nauseated now is when I take my prenatal pill.
My prediction? It's a boy... the reason is because I felt way worse with Dilan, much more nauseated, throwing up even and with Drew I felt better as I do with this one. I could totally be wrong, but that's my prediction at 9 weeks along. If it is a girl, I will be thrilled though - I mean this one is either a brother for Drew or a sister for Dilan and you just can't beat that.


Phillips Family said...

Congratulations. We are super happy for you guys.

MawMille said...

That's for sure! You just can't beat another boy or girl - you have made such beautiful ones before! Of course, I'm prejudiced....:)

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Yay! Super happy for you guys. AMEN, nothing is better than having a baby in Utah.

Rachel said...

Woohoo! How exciting! I totally know what you mean by prenatals making you sick. I had that with Haley and so refused to take them. I took a Flintstones vitamin instead... haha!

Kristine Pratt said...

I'm so glad you got to see the baby and all is well. My prenatals made me really sick too and they told me to take them at night. I did this and I would still throw it up the next morning, so they told me to take 2 Flinstone vitamins a day and that helped a lot! Congrats again!

nicole said...

Yay!! I'm so glad everything is still going well! It's always such a relief to get that first ultrasound. It all seems so much more real then. And how fun that Drew and Dilan got to be there too!
You are wonderful parents, and this new baby is truly blessed to come to your family.

Jenise said...

I am so glad everything is looking good. I am excited for you. It is fun getting early pics like that. Weird to think it is actually going to be a baby.

Mandy said...

Yeah! So glad all is going well. Can't believe we're only 2 months apart.

John and Laura said...

Glad it all went well! Congrats, again!

Candace said...

congrats! how cute! adam said the same thing to me about having twins...what is with these men? I think i'm only having one..but we'll find out for sure in a few weeks. how exciting! miss you!

Elieson Family said...

You're right - you just can't beat that. Awesome. I love babies. So happy for you Kinsey.