Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Milwaukee Brewers Game

We also went to a Milwaukee Brewers Game Memorial Day Weekend. We were smart and only bought the cheap tickets because with two kids, we weren't going to last through the whole game. We lasted through the fourth inning about 8 p.m. so that was pretty good. It was a beautiful ball park and we actually saw some friends from our ward there too! The highlight of the evening was of course the hot dogs and pretzels enjoyed by us all!


nicole said...

How fun!! Love those family outings! Smart of you to get the cheap tickets. Plus, there's more room up in the nosebleed section. :)

MawMille said...

Love these pictures! It looks like ya'll had a great time. Miss you :(

Kristine Pratt said...

love the picture with you and the kids, very cute! What a fun evening.

Abby said...

Oh my goodness! Prego with number 3?! Congrats! I can't believe our oldest are so old...Yours is forever a toddler in my mind! The ball game looks so fun--and so not disgustingly hot. (Cue the time of year where I hate the desert more than anything.)