Sunday, June 27, 2010

Family Birthday Celebration

I went to Youth Conference this past Friday night/Saturday and when I got home, this is what I found... David and Drew decorating a homemade birthday cake for me. It was very sweet and very tasty! They sang to me, I blew out my candles, we had cake and ice cream, I received some beautiful cards, and was told when we get to MD, I am getting the new iphone 4 for my birthday - yeah!For some reason, we didn't have a #4 candle so David improvised with a 3 and then a 2,2 which was supposed to represent 4. I thought it was better than his original idea of 35-1. No need to put 35 up there yet! :)


Phillips Family said...

Happy 32 + 2!!!! you don't look a day over 2+2+10+8+2.