Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Potty Miracle!

After starting Drew's potty training last July where he got the #1 part of it down pat (within a few weeks) and absolutely refused to go #2 on the potty, he is finally doing it now! We literally tried everything and when I talked to the pediatrician last week, he clearly labeled Drew as a resistant child to potty training. So, with that, he gave me a sheet of paper giving us yet another list of techniques. I'm not sure what exactly worked or if it was the combination of things but Drew has pooped on the potty 5 times now in just three days. He was so excited tonight that he did it that he said he wanted to do it again real soon. He also said his pee and poop could go play together with their friends in the ocean as they got flushed away. No worries he has gotten a pair of Lightning McQueen socks or Mickey Mouse socks each time he went ($1 at Target) and a special trip for ice cream with David at Dairy Queen. And when he goes a total of 10 times (which we will consider fully potty trained), he gets Donald and Douglas (picture inserted). We are thrilled of our little boy's success and are excited for him that he has crossed this milestone.


LeAnn said...

YEA!!! Way to go Drew...and Mom & Dad too:) That is always a HUGE hurdle to pass.

Kirwin said...

Be sure and archive this post to show to his fiance' in the future!

Jenise said...

That is so great. It is such an exciting accomplishment. It sounds like he is well on his way to being 100% potty trained. I wish I could say that about Fox(the night time thing) and Jayde.

Denisondays said...

Hooray!! I bet that has been such a relief for you all!