Monday, April 20, 2009

Bad day

You know when you just really have a bad day? Well, we had one today big time. But I am choosing not to reflect on that as much as I am on this precious little girl I posted a picture of... because in the light of this bad day, nothing felt as good as rocking this little one to sleep in my arms and just holding on to her tight. Most of the time as a mom, you are giving and giving and it's amazing that when you need comfort and reassurance in your life, just a hug or a kiss or the opportunity to hold your child in your arms makes everything feel better. How grateful I am for that.


Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Amen! Really I guess that is all I have to say on the subject. Puts everything in the proper perspective!

The Schaefer's said...

Sorry you had such a bad day. I hope today is MUCH better.

Squeeze your little ones tight while you can; because they grow up so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was nuzzling with my sweet girl, Hannah. And next week we go to Middle School open house with her :c(.