Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Back home

Yes, we are back home now from our week trip to Houston. Drew, Dilan and I traveled to Houston to see family and spend Easter there. You can imagine me with two kids, two car seats, one majorly huge suitcase, a double stroller, a large camera bag, diaper bag and Thomas backpack filled with a heavy DVD player and movies... Yeah, I carried all of that myself. Anyway, we got back late Tuesday evening and it's taking me a bit of time to get back in the swing of things. Thanks to David though because when I got home, the whole house was clean! :)


Johnson said...

Whew! It was tiring just reading that. You are much braver than I would even think of being. Good job David having things clean for you when you got home.

Jenise said...

It sounds a little crazy to go through all that without help. I am definitely not that brave.

The Schaefer's said...

I feel for you COMPLETELY! I did that (once and only once) with my two. Harrison was 4 and Hannah was 5 months. It was a NIGHTMARE! That was so nice of your sweet husband to have the house clean when you got home.

Elieson Family said...

Oh I love traveling with children...