Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I thought I'd share how Drew got a little sneaky this weekend. This is our bowl of Hershey Kisses from which he gets one after he goes potty. David and I were somewhere in the apartment (not where Drew was) and we found him chowing down on these all by himself on the couch. You see all the empty wrappers in the bowl? We were shocked and Drew just started giggling and laughing. He totally knew it was not cool but he made a pretty smart move while we were not around. You know his Lightening McQueen stool we got him to help him up to the toilet? Well, let's just say he is learning to use it around the house in various ways including getting to the candy. Smart, sneaky little one... now, they are placed in the top of our closet! :)


Hilarie said...

Sneaky kid! That is so funny! Miss that you guys aren't here - even though we didn't see each other as much as we could have! Hope you are loving it there! :)

Wendy said...

Smart kid! By the way, you might not want to get him a little kid chair b/c he'll figure out how to use that too! I speak from experience! Miss you guys!

V and Co. said...

oh kinsey, i wish i could say that it gets easier...but you've already read my blog...at some point (oh say maybe after the third boy) you seem to let some things go...but what do i know...i think my kids are secretly trying to take over (and i'm secretly wanting to give them power till their dad gets home!) ;)only 217 more days...but who's counting?

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

That's too funny!! What a cutie.
From my experience girls seem to take longer to be potty trained. It took Aaliyah awhile before she was ready...hopefully that will change for Adyson.

How are ya feeling these days?