Wednesday, July 2, 2008

$1 Movies

Okay, so I looked up the nearest dollar movie theater and it is in the town east of here called Fayetteville (about 9 miles away). They have the summer movie deal where you take kids every Wednesday morning to see a show appropriate for them so we decided to try it out today. Drew and I saw, "Clifford the Big Red Dog," and he watched the whole thing from beginning to end. Notice Edward came with us too! They had these great booster seats so kids could sit higher and see the movie better. I think this will be our routine each Wednesday morning - he loved it! :)


Phillips Family said...

Ah yes, the "penis isn't working" thing...isn't he a little young for that not to be working?

Laura Law said...

Kate & I LOVED Drew's singing. I think I'll be hearing her copycat for awhile now. Congrats on potty training! It really just seems like you have to wait till they're ready. We went to the $1 movie this morning too..but they showed the Waterhorse. It was interesting juggling two but worked out pretty well.

Annie said...

Kinsey! I'm so bummed you guys are gone! We just got back in town, and I'm just barely getting "plugged back in" to blogging. I hope everything went well with the move. Good luck the potty training...
Take care!