Friday, November 16, 2012

Drew's Thanksgiving Feast 2012

Drew's Thanksgiving Feast went very well. I was most impressed with my son's manners as he ate his food and asked the room mom for more grapes in a very polite way. He also sat with his napkin in his lap and his hand in his lap too. In order to enjoy this handsome boy...
 I had to set up a mini picnic of chick-fil-a with these two on the side of the room. It worked with Dilan and mostly with Drake until he just took his food in his hands and started running around the room. This kid doesn't walk, he runs. And he falls - several times a day. I can't tell you how many times he falls and people around us gasp with horror and I'm like, "He does this all the time." Seriously, you 'd think he'd slow down by now.
 And then Drake ended up like this. A calculator in one hand using it as a cell phone and lying down at the entrance of the classroom. This was when I knew it was time to go. Luckily, Drew was eating his cookie by then.
 Here are my three kids before we left: Drew showing me his thankful pine cone turkey but covering most of it with his hand, Drake talking to a friend and trying to escape the stroller, and Dilan protecing her dear lemonade like someone was going to steal it.
One of Drew's feathers did say he was thankful for his mom because "she takes care of me!" I'm glad I am good for something! :)


Phillips Family said...

Hahahahaha. Loved that he was using the calculator for a cell phone...i mean who doesn't do that!!?