Monday, August 22, 2011

Drew's First Day of First Grade

Drew is off to his first day of first grade! He had to be woken up at 6:30 a.m. to be ready by 7 a.m. to walk out the door. He is supposed to ride the bus BUT no bus came for the 15 minutes we were out there (we will have to get this problem fixed). So, I gathered up the other kids and we all took Drew to school. We even parked and walked him in which worked out great because I could make sure he knew where he was going. He was so excited that he felt like he was going to throw up but he didn't. He also shed a few tears over his cereal this morning sad that this last week of summer had to end. But I reminded him about how much fun school will be and the friends he was going to meet. I think he's ready for the first grade!

waiting for the bus that never came

outside his school
outside the classroom
Putting his backpack in his cubby
Sitting in his seat!


Johnson said...

He is so cute! Crazy that the bus didn't come. I hope that gets worked out soon. Hope he has a blast in 1st grade!

MawMille said...

Of course the poor sweetheart cried a few fears that summer has ended! U mDe his last weeks so much fun! It needs to be a little duller around ur house. .)

Phillips Family said...

Wow, Dave looks so good, Adam will almost be able to forgive him for mixing the spoons while making spaghetti in France.

Kristine Pratt said...

Such great photos. I can't believe the bus never came, how ridiculous is that!