Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vacation again...

We went to Utah last week for David's family reunion - you can check out the pictures on facebook here. Now, we are off to Texas for 10 days - this is our last flying vacation probably until next summer so we are trying to squeeze it in. With Drew starting school the end of August, the baby coming in October, and us not going home for the holidays this year (first time that I will ever miss Christmas with my family in 34 years even with all of our moving over the last 6 years), I don't see myself flying alone with three kids - two of which are under age 2 - anytime until then. So, with that being said, I am getting on the plane tomorrow with an almost 18 mth old sitting on my now non-existent lap at the time she is supposed to be sleeping in her bed. Oh, what joy! but seeing my family will be so worth it. :)


Melanie said...

Let me know if you have any time... I'd love to see you. I'm going to San Diego the 5th - 10th, however. Love ya!

Kristine Pratt said...

I'm glad you get to squeeze these trips in. Last Christmas was my first one away from home. You will be great at still making it special. Good luck with the plane ride!

Phillips Family said...

Sorry we couldn't meet up. We miss you guys...time to move back to's done and done!!!

nicole said...

I totally don't blame you for NOT wanting to fly with 3 young kids! You heard my horror story, I think. :) I hope I didn't scare you! haha!
Hope you're getting all settled in your new home! We sure miss you here. Really. You were always smiling, and so kind, and positive. You're just wonderful! Your new ward is SO lucky to have you!