My grandmother, MawDee, called one day and said she had found a perfect dress for Dilan and she just had to send it to us. Unfortunately, it is too small for her to wear but I was able to get it on her enough to take a picture! I also wanted to show a picture of Beva who Dilan calls "Buba" and her obsession with cheez-its right now. She especially loves Cheetos but I don't buy them so when we were in Texas she ate them like crazy at my grandmother's house and my mom's house. Dilan is also pointing to everything and talking up a storm. A lot of what she says is not easily understood but she will hold full-on conversations with you like you do know what she is talking about. She does say a lot of words though and will try to say a new word anytime you ask her to. This little girl is so precious and she truly lights up our days. For her 18 mth checkup, she is in the 75%tile on everything. :)
5 years ago
So you blog! I have to admit I'm much better at staying connected through blogging than facebook, but given that my posts aren't that consistent, I'm obviously not too good at that either. :)
Dilan has changed so much in just the short time you've been gone! Maybe her hair is a little lighter? We will definitely have to keep in touch! I can't wait to see pictures of the baby soon!
GO BEVA GO BEVA! precious little girls you have :o)
Hey lady!
I just caught up with your summer, where did you find time to blog? You are awesome. 30 weeks! Congratulations! Your kids look very happy and so do you and David. I am glad things are going so well for you. You totally deserve it! Keep in touch!
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