Tuesday, May 18, 2010

STAR OF THE WEEK!!! - Tuesday

Drew had a Thomas the train day for his star of the week today. We brought his Thomas tent for his classmates to play in (they loved it!) and Dilan and I came to read three of Drew's favorite Thomas stories to the class. At the end of the school day, Drew passed out a train whistle to each classmate with their name on it. It was so much fun!!! Drew even wore a Thomas shirt to top it all off. As I was reading, he held the book up for the class and he even shared more information about Thomas than what we were reading. I love seeing him talk and share about what he loves in front of his friends at school.

The picture below is of him and about 7 other kids in his Thomas tent and the one below that is of him collecting name cards of all the kids in the class - an honor the star of the week gets!


Phillips Family said...

The kid in the tent looks like a miniature Sam Bradford. Weird.

nicole said...

Aww... I love the star of the week idea, where each kid gets a chance to shine. Drew is such a cutie. He's a really special little boy. :)