Monday, May 10, 2010

Muffins with Mom

Last week I was able to go to Muffins with Mom at Drew's 4K school. It was so great. He was beyond excited and thrilled Dilan and I were there. Drew sang some songs and we ate our muffins together. Such precious time spent with one another and it's amazing he remembers these events and talks about them later. Drew even noticed the boy sitting next to me who was so sad because his mother was not there - the boy didn't touch his muffin and sat with his arms crossed and a sad look on his face the whole time. It broke my heart. I am so fortunate to be able to stay at home so I can attend everything my kids have going on. I am so thankful I have this opportunity and even more that I love being at home with my kids.

Below is a picture of Drew and I at the table and Dilan in another mother's lap on the right:

My mother day's gift from Drew:


Phillips Family said...

Home made gifts from kids always are the best mother day presents. I am sure Drew loved every second you and Dilan were there. Where was David? Negligent father!! Negligent father!!! ahhhh, just kidding.

Robyn said...

You are so cute Kinsey! always changing and updating your blog- you're awesome! I love being able to keep up with you this way. I can't believe your cruise experience. Stinks! Congrats on the pregnancy! Yes, we're moving into Champion Forest. I can't believe how big your kids are getting! Too cute!

Kristine Pratt said...

So fun. I'm glad you get to stay home too! Hayden had that same outfit when she was a new born, I loved it.