Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Farm

Drew had a pumpkin farm trip planned with his school last week. He was able to ride a real school bus (and it was blue too!) and Dilan and I followed along in our car. I was a little sad I wasn't able to ride the bus with him because some parents did that but Dilan was not safe on a bus and I knew she could take a morning nap in her car seat and last through the day. A small sacrifice on my part so we could all enjoy this day together with Drew.

The school had this field trip planned rain or shine and it was rainy and very cold. I'm talking in the 30s. So, I had the clothing for the kids prepared, not so much for myself, but definitely for them. Drew's class started off with storytime, then went through a story tunnel that recreated the story for them, they made a craft, ate lunch all together, went on the hayride and picked out a pumpkin to take home. I helped Drew pick out the big one and then he picked out a small one for Dilan - always thinking of his sister. We had a lot of fun. I was hoping Drew would ride back with us in the car but of course he couldn't resist the opportunity to ride back to the school on the blue bus.
Again, I am so thankful I get to experience this with him - never missing anything which is why I love not working and staying home. It is so worth it. :)

by the way, anyone know why putting my slide show on here cuts off the pictures??? ugh! just click on the slide show and you can see everything as it should be! :)


Shelley said...

Those pictures are cute! I think that it might have been the size of the slideshow. I had that happen a couple of times on my blog, and when I did a smaller size picture or slideshow before bringing it over to my blog it helped. Looks like ya'll had a great time! It was about 90 degrees when we went...would have taken the cold!

MawMille said...

So cute! He looks like he is having a blast! Except those babies look like they are in such cold weather already!