Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Drew's first primary program

Drew's very first primary program was this past Sunday and he did a fabulous job. I was a little worried because he didn't attend any of the practices because we were in Houston but we did practice his line right before bed when we were saying family prayer most nights. He would get up on the fire place, pretend he had a microphone in his hand and say his line:

"Hi, my name is Drew, and I'm grateful for my family because they help me build train tracks." He memorized it and had it down.
So, we got there early on Sunday, sat close to the front and he had no problem going up there to sit with his class. He sang what he knew and when it was time for him to go up front to say his line, he just smiled at us. When it was Drew's turn, he grabbed the microphone, held it close to his mouth and delivered his line perfectly with no help at all from his teacher. He even got the first laugh of the program he was so cute.
Towards the end, I had to take Dilan out because she was so tired and was having a hard time sitting still. But apparently the last song they sang was, "Families can be together forever," and I heard Drew through the door outside. He was singing it fervently and he knew every word. David said it was so funny and he wasn't obnoxious about it but sang it with passion!
After it was over, I told Drew how proud of him I was and he said, "mommy, I sang loud so you could hear me." oh how precious this little boy is and how much we love him! He loves his family and he loves singing about how we will be together forever. I know this is only his first of many primary programs but it was very special to us and one we will remember! :)