Monday, August 17, 2009

T-ball from PawDee

PawDee (Kinsey's dad) gave Drew a t-ball set for his birthday this year. In fact, I told my dad to send it to us once we moved so we wouldn't have to move one more thing and Drew could get it and actually play with it up here. So, we got this package in the mail and Drew opened it up. Immediately, he wanted to play with it. So, we went outside and David did some teaching and Drew was all over it. He got the biggest kick out of running the bases (maybe he'll be a runner like his dad). He had so much fun, the next day he was asking to do it again once David got home. THANKS so much, PawDee!!!
Also, on a side note, Drew grabbed the Lightening McQueen pillow PawDee gave him and said, "I got this from PawDee!" I don't know any other kid that literally remembers (or wants to know and asks regularly) who gave him what. He'll tell you who gave him any item and if he asks you who gave it to him and you say the wrong answer, he'll correct you and tell you. And then after he says who gave it to him, he out loud will say, "Thanks, PawDee!" like the person can hear him. We have a very grateful and fortunate little boy.


Kirwin said...

Tell Drew that I can hear his 'thank yous' all the way in Texas! Happy Birthday, Drew.


Phillips Family said...

Once again, David is wearing the best shirt ever. Looks like you are settling well in Sconsin.