Sunday, August 24, 2008

Houston pictures

Okay, here are some pictures from our trip home to Houston. We got to see grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, friends, eat lots of ice cream, go swimming often, even wedding dress and reception place shopping with Keely! We had a lot of fun and look forward to our next trip home.


herb said...

Enough stalking, I'll finally leave a comment! I've linked you on our blog, if you don't mind.

PS: I told David we should practice a complete act for next year's talent show! He did a really good job.

Wendy said...

so awesome! looks like ya'll had fun! wish we could've gotten in some time with the 'pistorii,' but it's so hard when there's so much to do in so little time!

Johnson said...

Cute pics. We need to have you guys over soon. If we can't fnd a place o go for the weekend, we will probably invite folks over for games Sat. night. Are you guys busy?