Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another funny FHE

So, this past Monday night, David and I are telling Drew about the temple. We showed him a few wedding pictures and a picture of the Houston temple and kept it to a brief lesson. We tell him how grateful we are to be an eternal family, etc. and then we asked, "Do you want to get married in the temple someday like mommy and daddy?" He responds, "No, I want to eat lunch."
Yeah, too funny. Anyway, thought we'd share his funny sayings because otherwise, we'll forget them. Drew also told David the other night when it was time to say his prayers that if David did not wait for me (Kinsey) to say them altogether that David would get a time out. He is very into all of us saying our family prayers together which I think is fantastic but hilarious that he thinks he will start dishing out the discipline if not done so...


MawMille said...

How funny! He is learning so much - even how to discipline his own parents! Precious boy! Miss you all.


Monson Family said...

what a funny story! Kids are so awesome - they only think as far as the next few minutes! It looks like you guys are doing great and enjoying life in Atlanta. I loved the ultrasound pics and Drew's first day of school. Pretty soon he's going to have a social life and friends that you didn't introduce him too!

Wendy said...

don't you like how they pick up on things? too funny! i guess you can read those funny lines when he's bigger (i.e. a rebellious teenager) and laugh about when he was a good kid!!! j/k

Clayfrogger (a.k.a. Delores) said...

This was fun to see your blog and get to know you a little better. I am so excited to work with you and get to know you.
