Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So, when we woke up this morning, Drew said, "I want to go home." Yeah, we tried to play it off and we told him that we are home even though we knew what he meant. Then, tonight as we were coming back from dinner, he said it again. Drew said, "I want to go home." David answered, "We are going home." Drew says, "No, I want to go HOME." David says, "We are going to our new house." Drew says, "I don't like our new house. I want to go home." David then asks, "Do you mean you want to go to Mimi's house?" (which is what he calls David's mom and where we have lived the last two years). Drew says, "uh huh." So, we get it; he wants to go home. And honestly, we do too in a lot of ways. But we have to keep thinking we are here for a reason, and not just to earn money but something is here for us. If anything, this job is allowing me to stay home full time and be with Drew so even though he is losing out on all of his extended family in Houston and all of our friends we are missing so much, he is getting me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm enough. I hope I am. I am missing home too very much.


Hilarie said...

How sad. Poor baby. I miss you guys and we didn't even see each other very often! I took for granted you guys being here. Hope you are all well! :)

Shanan & Shannon said...

You are enough. Give Momma more credit than that. Welcome to Georgia, my friend!