Monday, May 5, 2014

Dance Recital 2014

Dilan danced so well in her recital! She did every move and was dancing elegantly and gracefully. I had so much fun putting her makeup on and doing her hair. It took 16 bobby pins and lots of hair spray but her hair looked beautiful. We actually had to re-do her makeup a bit because she cried some of it off complaining about the bobby pins. But she ended up loving her hair and kept the bun in all day long. Dilan danced to Rapunzel's song, "I see the light."
 caught a mid-air jump

 my favorite picture during the dance
 posing at the end
 This was Dilan's pose when I asked to take a picture - love her pointed toe!
 Flowers for our dancer
 MawMille was able to come and see Dilan's dance recital. She also held Dakota the whole time so I could take pictures and record it for David. He was on his annual golf trip. But Dakota actually stopped when the dancing began and twirled her arms around like the dancers.
 Me and my girl
 MawMille and Dilan