Friday, August 24, 2012

Grapevine Railroad - LAST DAY OF SUMMER 2012

I usually do a fun-filled last week of summer where we do something fun every day for the week before school starts. This year, I took the kids to Utah for an even better last trip of the summer. But once we got back, we had one real day of summer left. So, I planned a ride on the Grapevine Railroad. We rode this train at Christmas time but as I've learned from my mom, doing things over again as a child is like watching different football games - no game or experience is ever the same and it's important to do things again especially if the kids love it. And boy do all three of my kids like to ride trains. :)

Here's the conductor punching our tickets
Me and Dilan on the train
 Drew looking out the window
 Drake trying to look out the window
 Drake and Dilan taking in the scenery
 Drew and me on the train 
(all three kids were snuggle bugs on this ride. they took turns on my lap and sitting beside me and cuddling, it was very sweet)
 My three kiddos in front of the train after the train ride
 Drew totally in his element


Kristine Pratt said...

What a fun filled last week before school started. I'm so impressed after your trip you still planned yet another fun day! What happened with Drake is my worst nightmare! So glad you were able to keep him happy with m&ms!!! People on airplanes are not very sympathetic to us parents...