Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast

Drew had a choice to dress up as a Pilgrim or a Native American for his Thanksgiving Feast at school. He chose to be a Pilgrim and we made his costume for the occasion. The costume included making his hat, cuffs and bib, making belt buckles for his shoes and Drew wearing all black with long white socks. We put it all together and it turned out great! The only thing was that I told Drew to turn his shirt inside out so his clothes were all black when it was time to get dressed. But he didn't want to and ended up kind of being a skeleton pilgrim! :)

Dilan and I attended Drew's feast and we were the only family there besides the two class moms. The teacher even made a comment to me about it. She said that when her children were young (they are both teenagers now), there were only a few kids without parents at school functions. Now there are only a few kids with parents actually there. I felt very fortunate that I could be there for Drew and enjoy his 1st grade Thanksgiving feast!
My Pilgrim
Dilan was a guest who also got served a meal
Drew's official Pilgrim outfit
Drew and me at the feast
Dilan and Drew, the pilgrim.


Phillips Family said...

That pilgrim looks like a Halloween pilgrim...but a sharp looking pilgrim to say the least.