Wednesday, October 19, 2011

OakFest 2011

Our community puts on a festival celebrating the big oak trees in our area and they call it OakFest. It is totally free but of course the lines are long to do any of the activities. But we went with good friends on a beautiful evening and it was well worth it. We first had to ride the train and then get balloon animals. David bought an old-fashioned root beer that tasted SO good, and it was a fun night!

Pistorius family at the OakFest
Drake and me on the train that went around the lake
Yummy old-fashioned root beer
We thought this coyote was pretty funny - definitely something you'd see in Texas!
Balloon animals for all!
Drew got a blue elephant, Dilan got a pink puppy dog, and Drake got an orange giraffe.


Phillips Family said...

This must have been at the same time as Discovery are all wearing the same clothes. Looks like fun...loved the coyotes!!