Friday, September 2, 2011

My Sister's Visit

Keely came to visit us for a few days before Labor Day Weekend. She's on her way to Minnesota to visit her hubby this weekend but made a stop to see us in Dallas first. We loved having her here - she is seriously the easiest of guests and nothing bothers her - even Drake waking up multiple times in the night, the power getting shut off, Dilan not letting her sleep in, me getting sick one day, and even trying to shop with the kids in tow. But we did get a chance on Thursday night to go eat sushi by ourselves and do some shoe shopping. Thanks so much for coming, Keely!!!

I got sick the first day Keely was here so we took it easy and when Drew got home from school, Keely took Drew and Dilan to the pool to go swimming.
Definite highlight - eating lunch with Drew at school. We brought Drew a happy meal and he was so excited to have visitors. Funny part: TWO teachers came up to us and said Drew looked more like his aunt than his own mother - I think that made Keely's week!

Me and Dilan at Drew's lunch table
We had to try and get a picture with Dilan and my sister here


Johnson said...

Drew and Keely do share some similar features. She seems like a great sister! You need to get flight benefits soon and come visit! I need to hang with you some year.

Wendy said...

Sounds like a good time! Didn't realize how much Drew does look like Keely!