Monday, July 11, 2011

Time with David's family

We were supposed to go see David's mom and sister and a lot of nieces and nephews for a few days while we were home but the morning we were leaving to see them, David got a call from his mom saying she had broken her wrists. She was walking David's sister's dog and got pulled so hard, she hit the pavement and shattered and dislocated both her wrists. So, we changed our plans to visiting her in the ER, going to a quick lunch with David's grandmother, and then going back to David's sister's house where we could take care of 11 kids while David's sister went back to the hospital. It was a fun day for the cousins to be together but stressful to try and figure out what was going on with his mom. We enjoyed the time we had but we continue to wish David's mom a speedy recovery!

Drew with a lot of cousins!
David's grandmother meeting Drake for the first time
my poor mother-in-law


Phillips Family said...

Wow, Dave's mom looks like she is in bad shape. Adam was sure she was going to get her hands cast with the 'hook em horns' hand gesture...ah well, maybe next time...

Shanan & Shannon said...

Bless her heart! This happened to Shannon's mom when she was walking Jake 8 years ago! Jake got spooked and backed into her legs. She fell forward and lost her two front teeth, fractured both wrists and shattered her arm - we are talking pins and rods...the whole shebang. I hope your mil recovers quickly. It's so nice to see so many family pictures!!!

Johnson said...

Oh, that sounds so painful and it looks quite uncomfortable. How it heals up soon. Probably good that you guys were around to help with that big lot of kids. - Hope your packing up goes well! - You've been busy blogging today. I can hardly keep up with you.

Johnson said...

*Hope it heals up soon.

I'm typing challenged.