Monday, May 2, 2011

Drake is 6 months old!

Drake is 6 months old, I cannot believe it. Already half a year with this precious little boy. We are so fortunate to have him - he is just such a happy baby. He smiles so much all the time and his blue eyes are mesmerizing. We had his 6 month check-up and the doctor said that by 9 months, if he still has his blue eyes, he'll most likely have them the rest of his life. I can't believe I have a blue-eyed kid!

Drake's hemangioma on his neck has grown a bit. The doctor measured it and it's grown half an inch. At first he recommended another ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis but then decided at 9 months if it has grown more, then they may take a look at it then. In order to really do further testing, they would have to do an MRI which means sedating Drake and that is just not necessary at this point. We are hoping it doesn't grow much more because at 9 months, it really should stop growing and start going away.
Stats: 27 inches in height (75%tile), 17 lbs 13 oz (55 %tile), head circumference 17.75 inches (85 %tile).


Kristine Pratt said...

Dang, I wish it had already just stopped growing! So glad you got a blue-eyed boy. Isn't it so much fun! Everyone always says, "her daddy must have blue eyes" because clearly I don't! But Paul doesn't either. Does David?

Johnson said...

What a sweet boy. Wish I could meet him! It's so funny, we had that same play mat, and I swear that is an outfit that Jake wore....or it looks a lot like it.