Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Soccer - Game 1

Drew had his first soccer game of the season! It was so much fun. He is on the team with half the kids being from our ward and David is the coach again. However, they don't let kindergarteners play actual games here - yeah, it's weird considering last year he was in pre-k and he played soccer games in Wisconsin. So, Drew has to play up a grade with the first graders. Now, you wouldn't think this too big of a deal except Drew has a June birthday so he is playing with all 7 year olds and he is not even 6 yet. I have worried about it only because I didn't want him to be the smallest out there and feel like he couldn't play up to their level but we also thought it might be really good practice/experience for him too. In the fall, we put him in the soccer classes they have here for 5 year olds and Drew said he missed playing the games so we took the cue from him to go ahead and let him play up a year this spring. Seeing the first game, we definitely made the right decision. He did great, hung in there with everyone, got to the ball several times, and most of all, he loved it.

They are definitely serious about their soccer here - from the jerseys to the equipment, to the rules. David can no longer be on the field coaching them but now has to stand on the sidelines and yell. I think by the end of the game, his voice was almost gone. The kids are learning at this stage to spread out and not huddle around the ball as well as play some defense!
I just loved watching Drew and his friends out there. Dilan had a bit of a rough time because she wanted to be where Drew was and the only saving grace we had was that David was on the sidelines too and she ended up standing beside him most of the time. She refused to wear her coat in 40-something degree weather and a wind chill that was even colder. Eventually, my mom and Sam took the younger kids home and I came back to watch the rest of the game.

My mom and her husband, Sam and the soccer player! His team color is Black and we all wore it to support Drew's team!

Dilan next to the Coach and Drew on the other side watching the game
My soccer player - LOVE him!

End of the game
Drew high-fiving his coach/Dad
Also, this year is the first time Drew has a number. Because David is the coach and got all of the gear early, he let Drew pick his own number. Now, David was number 3 for years and years when he played football. I asked him if he wanted Drew to be number 3 but surprisingly David said no. He told me he wanted Drew to have his own number and one that he chose. After thinking about it, Drew chose the number five. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that he is 5 years old but we also talked about how he has the number 5 in his birthday (15) and that he was born in 2005 too. So, five has become Drew's number and it looks good on him!!! :)


Kristine Pratt said...

so glad he is doing well with the big kids! I can see Hayden acting just like Dilan when she is that age. She wants to do everything like us and hates when we try to control her!!! I love that she was with David on the sidelines!

Phillips Family said...

I think you have confused the boy on which football to love. I bet Dave is a great coach.

nicole said...

Awesome! 5 sounds like a perfect number for him. What a great thing to involve him in- I bet he's learning so many life lessons out on the field!