Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Primary Nativity Activity

The Saturday before Christmas, our primary had an activity where they went to a nursing home and performed the nativity with costumes, songs and all. I took Drew with me and spent "mommy and Drew time" together while David and Dilan stayed home so she could take her morning nap. We arrived early to get a costume on and just as I thought, Drew was hesitant. He saw his friends getting dressed up and buried his head in my chest saying he didn't want to participate. But once he was offered the donkey costume, he reconsidered and wanted to join in on the very special event. Drew was Joseph's donkey and a very good one who just did what he was supposed to do. I was so proud of him and loved watching him participate in the nativity this year.


MawMille said...

PoPo said he got the best costume out of everybody!

nicole said...

Ha ha! That's so adorable. I must have missed that activity... probably sick that day. ;)