My soccer boy...
As a parent, I felt mortified that he was crying so much. And when I say so much it's the screaming and crying scene that you just can't stop your child from having. If it's one thing I know, it's when Drew melts down, there is no turning back. I knew this scene wasn't getting any better no matter what we did. Drew cried so much, he fell asleep on the way home exhausted.
On a side note, I am struggling with my feelings as a mom and as a therapist. I know he should be able to express his feelings and emotions and I want him to do it where he feels safe and not judged, but I am learning as a parent I have to teach him that there are appropriate places and ways to express himself. I just want him to have fun, learn how to play on a team, and get some exercise. I am hoping this scene improves or it will be a long couple of months "playing" soccer.
Well, look on the bright side,he looks so adorable in his soccer uniform.
We can relate to some less than pleasing sports moments--but it has also gotten better over time. I can also relate to the feelings of deficiency as a parent and therapist. It is tough to accomplish what you know as a therapist into your own parenting. It makes me think of the number of times that clients or friends have said something along the lines of, "Wow, you must have a perfect marriage" -- which is especially funny when they tell this to Larissa, assuming that since I am a Marriage and Family Therapist that I must be without faults. She of course just rolls her eyes and says "sure."
He certainly is cute! I am sure that it will get better over time. Hang in there.
Brian told me last night that he misses drew. Hopefully, we will be able to get together when you are here next month!
Boston's first season of baseball was very similar. He would get very excited to play and get his uniform on, but as soon as we got to the field, he would bawl and carry on. It is very hard to know what the right thing to do is.
I think it's just hard for them to learn how sports works. You TAKE the ball instead of sharing, you aren't one on one, there is a whole team of kids and a Dad for a coach (who has to split his attention between several kids). It's hard for them to digest and make sense of I think.
They are still so little. I forget that!! During that rough patch with Bostie, we just let him decide what he wanted to participate in each practice and game. We didn't force him to do anything. I think he needed to sit back and watch how things worked every now and then, to be able to feel comfortable and confident. We haven't had issues since (along those lines :0) !!). Good luck! I feel for you! It makes it twice as hard with David coaching, but it will get better.
Could have been worse--think Zinedine Zidane....
LOL! I assuming that's probably not the wonderful fun picture you imagined when signing him up for soccer :)
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