Sunday, June 7, 2009

Last Day of School

Drew had his last day of school a few weeks ago. They threw a fun party and it was a lot of fun celebrating all that the kids had learned and their friendships they had made throughout the year. The only downside was that Drew had to say goodbye to his teachers. When I told him to give them each a hug, his smile quickly turned to a sad frown. He allowed them to hold him, hug him and he put his head on their shoulders with a very sad face. Once we started to leave, he started bawling. He really and truly cried and the whole way home and even time afterward, he kept saying, "I want my teachers." I told him he'd get new teachers but that did not help at all. It was a fun but sad occasion as my little boy hates goodbyes. All in all, he had a great time in his first year of pre-school and for a hesitant boy on the first day of school to a boy who didn't want to leave it at the end of the year, it speaks volumes to his experience there! :)