Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dinner Time

Last night we cooked up a yummy stir fry with some very fresh vegetables we purchased from a 'co-op' one of my friends, Jaimee, does every week or so. We had yellow pepper, mushrooms, zucchini, and carrots with some teriyaki chicken and rice. It was tasty and even Drew ate some of his.
He really enjoyed cooking with me though and afterwards, we played Candyland for the first time as a family. Drew loved it and we are trying to teach him about games being fair, playing by the rules, and it's okay if you don't win. It was a lot of fun!


Spencer said...

I would be totally impressed if Drew got the idea of being fair and being okay losing right now. Cole only recently got that done well ... and Candyland was actually one of the key games that helped him learn that (Sorry and Go Fish are other favorites).

Kinsey Pistorius said...

no, you are right, he's not getting it yet but we are on to teaching him that. We played a lot today and had to put it up when he threw tantrums because he wasn't winning... good times! :)

MawMille said...

He looks so big. He looks like he is 5 years old! :(