Saturday, February 9, 2008

Say it ain't so!

Mitt Romney dropped out of the race as everyone knows but I am totally bummed about it. Now, I normally would stay away from politics on our family blog but as much as I have followed this election (so much so that David pleads with me to watch something else constantly) I feel like I can share. My dad says I am in mourning... and yes, I kind of am. I was interested in Romney because of our shared faith (even though David thinks that all politicians are crooks) so I watched him carefully in debates, speeches, etc. He was the candidate I most aligned with especially on the war and illegal immigration which are my two biggest issues of concern during this election. So, who do I vote for now? Well, I guess I'll talk more about that when I actually have a chance to vote! I mean seriously - because I live in Texas, I haven't even voted yet and it's already over (on the Republican side anyway)? Ridiculous... Not sure about our primary voting system when I feel like I didn't get my chance to say. And yes, I am big into our right to vote considering I have voted in every election since I was 18 (I feel like if I don't vote it is an outright snub to the women who fought for my right to do so in 1920). I even brought Drew with me into the voting booth last year to vote for governor of Texas! Anyway, it isn't so bad considering I have gotten more into politics than ever, and I actually know what I think on these issues and not to mention, I have a new-found fixation on Ann Coulter :)


Annie said...

I keep telling Trevor that the whole Primary voting process is such a JOKE! I hate that the same states decide election after election. It's like our state doesn't even matter. Maybe I don't understand the system enough, but I think they should rotate (maybe through a random process or something) which states vote first.

Jennifer said...

we were surprised and disappointed at this news too. we had already voted and now struggle with our remaining choices... i thought his campaign suspension speech was pretty good. slade has been riveted to the tv too and we're very interested to see what happens in all this.
and too bad obama is a democrat. i could like him if he wasn't so darn liberal!

Shanan & Shannon said...

you are a hoot. We were actually disappointed too. He would have made a wonderful leader. Maybe it's just a joke - is it too late to come back into the race?