David and I leave for Peachtree City, Georgia, tomorrow morning. We are house hunting from Thursday to Monday. We are also meeting David's boss and coworkers as well as meeting with the people at Peachtree City Christian Preschool. We will see how this all goes as we are excited to see where we will live for the next 2 years!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Off we go...
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/28/2008 3 comments
Drew and "PawDee"
This is my dad and Drew. My dad is reading, The Cat and the Hat, to Drew on a night he was babysitting for us. I never ask my dad to babysit... but this was the night I was to meet Mitt Romney and I hadn't located a babysitter we could pay and I was down to asking family members. My dad was actually flattered I asked him and he really wanted to rearrange his Friday night to do it. So, we drove out to his house and Drew had a fabulous time. Drew played with my dad's three dogs and they watched Rice baseball and my dad said Drew did great. When we came home to pick him up, Drew said he didn't want to leave. It made my dad feel so good. Now, I am wondering, why haven't I asked my dad to do this more often? :)
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/28/2008 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
American Idol
Okay, so I have to admit, I didn't watch AI this year. David and I have watched every single season but this year we didn't. It did have something to do with the fact that I worked on Tuesday nights but let's face it, I chose to Tivo something else completely. It just wasn't worth my time. Why? Because it isn't that good anymore. I did catch a few episodes here and there so I knew who people were talking about but just no interest.
BUT, alas I hear that Fantasia Barrino was on the results show last week and the performance was something to watch! I heard on the radio that Simon was stunned and he talked about it later that it was all pretty bad. Here is the irresistible video link below... you have GOT to look at Simon's face towards the end... so worth sitting through her over-the-top number where she literally screamed (no singing involved) the whole time. :)
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/22/2008 2 comments
Elijah's baptism
Here is Eli and his cousin, Brighton, who got baptized 6 mo. ago.
Here is David all dressed in white.
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/22/2008 2 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
So, we are off to Utah for an entire week! Yeah, vacation! We leave today and won't get back until next Tuesday night. We won't be blogging until then... :)
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/13/2008 1 comments
More party pics
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/13/2008 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Romney Event
Many of you have asked about the party we went to... here is the invitation. Ginny and L.E. Simmons hosted a party with Mitt Romney and the Beach Boys just to say thank you to all of Romney's supporters in Texas. I guess Texas raised a lot of money for Romney and we knew the Simmons had a significant part in that.
We met the Simmons family in our very first family ward after David and I were married. We lived inside the city of Houston then. Of course, we were the young married couple living in an apartment. L.E. Simmons and his brother had started an investment bank years and years ago and have been very successful. The Simmons have two incredible children: Virginia, about to turn 20 years old this summer, and William, about to turn 19 this summer. David and I's first calling in this ward was Sunday School teachers for Virginia and William's class. We loved it! The youth were awesome and the funniest part was that they called us Bro. and Sis. "Dinosaur" because they thought Pistorius sounded like a dinosaur name and couldn't remember it so well. Hilarious.
Anyway, after some months doing that, they called us into the Young Men's and Young Women's presidencies. I actually worked with Ginny Simmons in the Young Women's and Virginia was in YW of course and David became Scout Master and worked with William and the other youth on getting their Eagle. Anyway, these were some of the best times ever! We loved our callings, we loved the youth we were working with, and I really felt like we were making a difference too.
So, we left that ward of course when we moved to Utah and we kept in touch with the Simmons family over the years. We were fortunate enough to be able to pick them up from EFY when they attended two different summers at BYU, we watched General Conference with them in Houston the first year we moved back here (Virginia was up at college then but that is when I learned William wanted to attend ATM) and we have really enjoyed seeing them grow up.
These are pictures we took with them Friday night - David with William and me with Virginia. Virginia is at the Univ. of Utah studying early childhood education, has a serious boyfriend she brought to the event too! :) And William is putting in his mission papers soon and has a girlfriend, Paige, he told me he met at church (great place to meet!) that he introduced to us. The most impressive thing was that William spoke in front of all these people at the Romney event and introduced Mitt Romney too! He did a fantastic job and I had always said when I met him at like 13 that he would be president one day. He is well on his way! :)
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/12/2008 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
It happened... We met Mitt Romney!!!
Yes, we actually met Mitt Romney and got a picture with him. I was so giddy; it was hilarious. We were invited to the "Romney Reunion" event hosted by Ginny and L.E. Simmons Friday night to thank everyone in Texas for their support of his campaign. It was so exciting and an absolute blast! More to come...
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/10/2008 2 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
More GRADUATION Moments!
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/09/2008 1 comments
David's ceremony was at 4 p.m. and it lasted until about 6 p.m. We took pictures and headed over to Palazzo's for dinner afterwards.
Here is a picture of the graduate putting on his robe. David appears very happy here as it is a culmination of a lot of hard work and dedication the last two years.
Lisa, David and Wendy. David's older sister, Lisa, and youngest sister, Wendy, came to the graduation. Wendy drove all the way from Austin (and back that night) to be there. I know it meant a lot to have them both there.
David and his mom, Colleen. She has really been the main force behind our ability to do this the last two years. What a great mother's day gift!
Me, Drew and David - Drew not wanting to take a picture but not wanting to be out of either of our arms because he didn't feel good. So, we got a lot of picture of this.
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/09/2008 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
My "real job"
So, I am kind of working a "real job" again. I work on Mondays at the Council on Alcohol and Drugs Houston. I am loving it! I am definitely an agency-type person. I love meeting with people and having colleagues to talk to again, especially when the colleagues are all people I used to work with at The Children's Assessment Center (my first job out of graduate school and the job I left to go to BYU). But I am getting to help supervise the therapy students there and finish my hours to become a supervisor. This was something I started at BYU but didn't quite complete so my old supervisor here gave me the opportunity to finish it up. Thank you, Julia! :)
I'll be doing this through June when we leave but only on Mondays. I am working at my practice Tues. and Wed. nights and will do so until the end of May.
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/02/2008 0 comments
So, my friend, Vanessa, always takes the coolest pictures of herself wearing her shoes so I thought I would make an attempt to do just that.
These are my newest find! How did I find them? My friend, Jill, at work was wearing them. Yes, I stole the idea and I am not ashamed because let's face it I don't have time to go shopping and at the same time, I'm not all that great at it. But I just loved these shoes she was wearing on Monday and so I asked where she got them. You ready??? TARGET! Yes, my eyes lit up. She even said she got them recently. So, Drew and I were off to Target the next morning and lo and behold, I've got me a pair! I'll probably be wearing them all the time now; I'm kind of like that.
Okay, so I also thought I'd share with you what "Santa Claus" brought me for Christmas and what I wear around the house each and every day. LOVE THEM! :)
Posted by Kinsey Pistorius at 5/02/2008 3 comments